Category Archives: 2019 News

MSID at Party in the Park

Category : 2019 News

On Saturday October 5 at the Blumenfeld Family Park another successful Masonic Safety ID session took place. The Masonic Safety ID is an amber-alert ready personal safety kit that identifies a child or adult when either goes missing. The free kit includes the name, pictures, finger prints, health concerns and other personally identifiable information to assist the authorities in finding a missing person. In collaboration with the Amber-Alert system, the kit comes with an identification card and a compact-disk that can be used immediately by the police.

Like commercial kits available for a fee, our free service gathers all information but unlike those aforementioned none of the information is ever stored or distributed. Even the forms filled out during the process are given back to the parent or guardian giving peace-of-mind knowing the information will never go public or fall in the wrong hands. Adam Bernstein, chair of the MSID says “we hope you never use it, but should you ever need to, you’ll be glad to have it”.

Thanks to our Brethren, volunteers and candidates who gave us a hand setting up and breaking down. Your help and spirit made the whole gathering an outstanding success. “Many hands make hard work easy” said Brandon Sax, a Lodge member, and we could not agree with him more. Our heart-felt thanks go out to Residents Forward for allowing us to give back to the community we love. Thank you to The Landmark theater for providing us with electric power. Looking forward to next year’s Party in the Park where we are looking forward to participating continue helping to keep save all people in our community. Check our calendar for upcoming MSID events in the area.