Brother Ed McIlhenny – Seventy Year Apron
Category : 2022 News

On the evening of Monday, March 28 2022, Brother Edward G. McIlhenny was presented with his 70th anniversary apron.
During Nassau District’s Grand Lecturer’s convention, which took place at the Polish American Civic Association (PACA) building located at 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington, R:.W:. John T. Hansen District Deputy Grand Master of the Nassau Masonic District, representing the Most Worshipful Richard J. Kessler, presented Brother Edward G. McIlhenny with a “Proclamation”, seventy-year-anniversary Masonic apron and pin. Worshipful James O. Brew DSA, a 64 year mason and past high school student of Bro. McIlhenny accompanied him. Bro. McIlhenny thanked all 150 Brothers in attendance for the accolades an added that not only was he receiving his 70 year apron, but earlier in the month he had achieved his 99 year of life on earth.
A World War II Veteran, Brother Ed McIlhenny is and has been a pillar in Port Washington for many years, not only as a Master Mason but as a special officer for the Port Washington Police force, a life-time educator and a volunteer in many organizations. You can read more about him on Port Washington News. Congratulations on another milestone to Brother McIlhenny.