Category Archives: 2014 News

Grand Lecturers Convention

Category : 2014 News

This year the Grand Lecturer’s Convention was held in Oyster Bay at Matinecock Lodge. The work of the evening was the proper way to hold a ballot. We had a small showing from the lodge but we had a nice time none-the-less. Brotherhood was definitely felt within the room and throughout the building.

Grand Lodge Visit

Category : 2014 News

On Friday, February 28th, Paumanok-Port Washington Lodge did something very special. The lodge rented out the Renaissance Room at the Grand Lodge of NY to hold a Special Communication. The work of the evening was studying the differences and similarities in ritual between 3 Masonic districts. We were joined by brothers from Weymouth United Masonic Lodge A.F.& A.M., Rural Lodge A.F.& A.M., and Milton Lodge A.F.& A.M. from the 8th Masonic District of Massachusetts as well as brothers from Blue Stone Mystic Tie Malta Doric Lodge no. 35 of the 5th Masonic District of New Jersey. The evening was very educational and hopefully will be the first of many joint ventures.



2014 Valentine’s Day Dinner

Category : 2014 News

This year we were lucky and Valentine’s Day landed on a Friday, and what better way to spend it than with Brothers and wives. Thanks to the Sea Cliff Fire Department for letting us rent out their hall. Sea Cliff is a quaint little town on the North Shore of Long Island. We ordered in dinner, had some drinks and spent the time together, laughing and having fun.