Author Archives: jeremyb

Testimonial Dinner

Category : 2010 News

Brothers from PPW #855 attended the 2nd Nassau Testimonial Dinner honoring the R.W. Alberto G. Cortizo -District Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bob M. Flesher – Our Grand Lodge Staff Officer. Dinner and drinks were held at the Milleridge Inn Carriage House. A fun time was had by all.

50 Years

Category : 2010 News

mel_chadowAt the 596th communication, Bro. Melvin Chadow was presented with his 50 year apron and certificate by the RW Albert G. Cortizo, DDGM of the 2nd Nassau District on behalf of the MW Edward G. Gilbert, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York. Congratulations to Bro. Mel for 50 years of Masonic service.

Port Washington Lodge No. 1010

Category : 2010 News

As our quest for lodge history continues, Bro. James Brew found the original lodge building plaque for the original Port Washington Lodge.